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Spanish Courses:
-Pacific Coast
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Environmental Conservation Galapagos Islands
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Horse Therapy in Quito
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Animal Shelter in Quito
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Girls Orphanage in Cuenca
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Indigenous Childcare in Quito
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Animal Rescue in the Amazonas
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Birds of Pray Rescue in Quito
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Ecuador is a small hidden paradise in Latin America, it is the country that has the greatest biodiversity per square kilometer on the planet. The Andes Mountains with its imposing volcanoes, the beautiful Pacific beaches, the natural wealth of the Amazon Rainforest, and the magic of the Galapagos Islands make Ecuador “the country of the four worlds” –  the Amazon, the Coast, the Andes, and the Galapagos Islands.

The Amazon rainforest:

We combine Spanish classes and excursions each day. Our lodge is in the Cuyabeno reserve in the heart of the Amazon jungle where you can observe a variety of flora and fauna such as anacondas, piranhas, and pink dolphins in addition to unforgettable Amazon sunsets. Volunteer with fantastic wildlife rescue projects in the Amazon jungle. Help animals rescued from illegal wildlife trafficking. Rehabilitate these animals and help them return to the wild.

The Pacific coast:

The Ecuadorian Pacific coast has a perfect climate. Being on the equator, the water maintains a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius all year round. Take Spanish classes on the beaches of Montañita and surfing classes in the afternoon. You will also enjoy visiting the tourist attractions of the region, including the mangroves and the Isla de la Plata.
On the coast we have a fantastic volunteer option teaching English at a local school or volunteering at an organic farm in the region where you will learn sustainable agriculture.

The wonders of the Andes mountains:

Can you imagine receiving Spanish classes in the magnificent Andes? We offer the option of Spanish classes doing it in a century-old hacienda next to the Cotopaxi Volcano or in an indigenous community in Otavalo. We combine Spanish teaching with excursions to lakes, hikes to volcanoes, indigenous markets visits, biking, and horseback riding.
We also offer volunteer projects in the Andes mountains working with a group of indigenous women or teaching English at a local school.


Quito is a beautiful modern city in the Andes located at 2,850 meters above sea level, it is an eclectic city where indigenous, Spanish, and Mudejar culture mix. The city of Quito was declared by UNESCO as the first world heritage site. Ecuador is one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet. One hour from Quito is the Cotopaxi glacier and 1 hour 20 minutes away is the cloud forest. You can take Spanish classes at our school located in a cosmopolitan and traditional neighborhood in Quito where you can enjoy an infinite number of cultural immersion activities.

Our vibrant capital of Ecuador has many needs and we offer a variety of projects where you can volunteer. Volunteer projects include helping in: daycares, local schools, organizations for the elderly, hospitals, urban fauna restoration, etc. The possibilities are great, you can do volunteering or pre-professional internships in different fields.


Cuenca is an Andean city next to the Tomebamba River with beautiful colonial architecture. Cuenca is the origin of the Panama hat and artisans produce beautiful gold and silver jewelry. Antique architecture, modern conveniences and easy access to travel destinations make Cuenca a popular tourist destination. Many expatriates from Europe and North America have recently decided to settle or retire in Cuenca. Our centrally-located Spanish school in Cuenca offers classes and daily cultural immersion activities.
Volunteer opportunities in Cuenca include children’s daycare, work with the elderly, teaching English in schools, help in an urban wildlife project, and help in a Catholic orphanage.

The Galapagos Islands:

Charles Darwin described the Galapagos Islands as a magical place where the animals do not fear humans, you can take a class on the Island of San Cristóbal and combine it with excursions to the most beautiful places in the archipelago, including diving or snorkeling.
The Galapagos is a paradise but always needs help. Volunteer projects include teaching English at a school or college or helping at a daycare or working on a conservation project. We have volunteering options on different islands.

Are you ready to live an amazing experience?

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